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Philosophers in Industry
An Informal Directory
This directory is intended to help academic philosophers network outside of academia, given persistent shortages in academic jobs particularly in the COVID-19 era.
Please feel to email me ( to propose any additions, updates, or deletions.
All information listed below aims to respect individual privacy by being based on publicly-available professional information on the internet.
If your name is listed and you would like to be removed, please just let me know!
Updated 11 February 2025 - most recent updates in green.
Acosta-Fox, Ashley (Washington, DC) - Instructional Systems Specialist, U.S. Peace Corp
Adams, Sarah (Oxford, UK) - Production Editor, Routledge Books
Allen, Jeremy J. (Chicago area, IL) - Senior Account Manager at CDW•G (Info technology & higher education)
Allers, Chris (Wyoming, MI) - Digital Media Generalist
Andrews, Steve (Toronto, Canada) - Director of Legislative and Political Affairs, Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association
Archambault, Jacob (Louisville, KY) - Software Developer Apprentice, Waystar
Baize, Micah (St. Louis, MO) - Developer Performance Manager/Software Engineer, World Wide Technology (information technology)
Baker, Carl (Croydon, UK) - Statistical Researcher, UK House of Commons
Barkasi, Michael (Toronto) - Founder, Performance Sonification (motion & sound technology)
Benocci, Matteo (Cambridge, UK) - Research Engineer - Ontologies & Automated Reasoning, HomeX (virtual expert services)
Benétreau-Dupin, Yann (San Francisco, CA) - Senior Editor, PLOS (open-access publishing)
Bianchetti, Matteo (NYC, NY) - Ontologist at Broadridge
Bodle, Matthew (UK) - Data Architect / Ontologist at ComplyAdvantage (IT/compliance)
Braynen, Will (Tucson, AZ) - Senior iOS Engineer, TextNow (telecommunications)
Brennan, Johnny (greater NYC area) - Program Officer, International Programs - American Council of Learned Societies
Brent, Michael (Denver, CO) – Director of Responsible AI at Boston Consulting Group
Briley, Corey (Brooklyn, NY) - Operations Manager, Dataminr (AI/data analytics)
Brodie, Adam (Houston, TX) - Manager of Research and Development, Houston Astros (Major League Baseball)
Byrnes, John (San Francisco, CA) - Principal Computer Scientist, SRI International (research & development)
Chen, Jason (Mountain View, CA) - Product Marketing Manager (developer platform & open source), Intuit.
Chiu, Lynn (Austria) - Communications Consultant & Manager, Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI)
Cogley, Zac (St. Louis, MO) - Solutions Consultant, Spectrum Labs (A.I. technology for online content moderation)
Crites, Josh (Cleveland/Akron, OH) - Staff Bioethicist, Regional Ethicist (West) at Cleveland Clinic (hospital/health care)
Csordas, Attila (UK) - Founder/Director, AgeCurve Ltd. (aging/health app)
Cunningham, Thomas (Los Angeles, CA) - Medical Bioethics Director, Kaiser Permanente (health care)
Curtis, Jon (Austin, TX) - Senior Ontologist/Project Manager at Cycorp
Dallman, Justin (Winnipeg, Canada) - Data Scientist, City of Winnipeg
Davies, James (Auckland, New Zealand) - Technical Writer at Downer Group
Dean, Jeff (Burlington, VT) - Senior Editor, Hackett Publishing
Drabek, Matt (Iowa City, IA) - Content Specialist, ACT (educational testing)
Dodd, Dylan (Portland, OR) - Analyst at BBG Inc. (valuation firm)
Downes, Stephen (Ontario, Canada) - National Research Council Canada
Duca, Simone (UK) - Web developer, Senior Front-end Developer at Department for Work and Pensions
Durgin, Celina (Boston, MA) - Editorial Manager at Skyword (Marketing & Advertising)
Embry, Brian (Longmont, CO) - Software Engineer at Google
Engel, Nicholas (NYC) - Investment Analyst, Equinox Partners
Ernst, Zachary (Chicago, IL) - Machine Learning Lead at Clearcover (software/insurance)
Etlin, David (Boston, MA) - Ontologist at Dell
Evans, Emily (Washington, DC) - Research Health Science Specialist, Health Services Research & Development at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Falgoust, Michael (Seattle, WA) - Privacy Program Manager at Google
Fanscali, Stephen (Pittsburgh, PA) - Director of Advanced Analytics, Carnegie Learning (educational technology)
Farmer, Daniel (Milwaukee, WI) - Manager of Professional Services at Watermark (educational technology)
Fruhling, Zachary (Idaho Falls, ID) - Senior Instructional Designer at SHARE Professional Learning (e-learning)
Fulton, Nathan (Austin, TX) - Ontologist at
Ferguson, Thomas (Austin, TX) - Formerly Ontologist at Dun & Bradstreet, now back in academia @Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Gandenberger, Greg (Chicago, IL) - Senior Data Scientist, ShopRunner (e-commerce)
Gibson, James (San Jose, CA) - Software Engineer
Gin, Kevin (San Francisco, CA) - Software Engineer at Google
Gerard, Adam (Seattle, WA) - Software Engineer and Technical Writer, Railsware (apps)
Glennon, Barry (Cambridge, UK) - Scrum Master at Oracle
Goodman-Wilson, Don (Amsterdam, Netherlands) - Founder at (corporate consulting - ethics & sustainability)
Greaves, Mark (Seattle, WA) - Technical Director of Analytics, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (government)
Guidry-Grimes, Laura (Little Rock, AR) - Clinical Ethics Consultant at U Arkansas for Medical Sciences and Arkansas Children's Hospital
Hancox-Li, Leif (NYC) - Technical Writer and Data Science Researcher, Capital One (banking)
Hébert, Michel (Ontario, Canada) - Research and Advisory Partner, Info-Tech Research Group (information technology)
Helfrich, Gina (Austin, TX) - Program Officer for Global Technology, Internews Network (media non-profit)
Helzner, Jeff (Brooklyn, NY) - Head of behavioural and decision science at AIG (global insurance)
Holtzman, Steven (Center Harbor, NH) - Founder and Chair, Board of Directors of Infinity Pharmaceuticals
Houchens, Jesse P. (Wilmington, DE) - Law Clerk at Delaware Court of Chancery
Hughes, Todd (Falls Church, VA) - Chief Technological Officer, CACI International (national security technology)
Immerman, Daniel (Austin, TX) - Ontologist at Cycorp
Jarvis, Benjamin (Los Angeles, CA) - Marketing Science Leader, The Walt Disney Company
Johnson, David (Stanford, CA) - Deputy Editor, Stanford Social Innovation Review (journalism)
Jonas, Eric (Takoma Park, MD) - Digital Production Associate at Environmental Working Group (health & environment non-profit)
Jorgensen, Andrew (Ireland) - Technical brewer, Wicklow Wolf Brewing Company
Kagan, Aaron (Los Angeles, CA) - Former User Experience Researcher at Google, now at Facebook Reality Labs.
Kampa, Samuel (Philadelphia, PA) - Client Success Analyst, Yellowdig (educational technology startup)
Kaplan, Eric Linus (Los Angeles, CA) - President, Mirari Films (film & television)
King, Kathy (Boulder, CO) - Project Manager, Redstone Strategy Group (management consulting)
Klasseen, Johann (Santa Fe, NM) - Executive Vice President, Chief Investment Officer, Horizons Sustainable Financial Services
Koepsell, David (Mexico City, Mexico) - General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer at ConsenSys Health
Krohmal, Benjamin (Washington, DC) - Bioethicist and Acting Director of John J. Lynch Center for Ethics, MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Ku, John (Berkeley, CA) - Chief Technology Officer at Pistn (marketing for small business)
Lanphier, Elizabeth (Cincinatti, OH) - Clinical Ethicist, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Ethics Center
Lean, Oliver (Calgary, Canada) - Data Scientist, AltaML (Business A.I.)
Leask, Amy (Ontario, Canada) - Co-founder/Owner, Enable Education (online learning solutions)
Levine, Daniel (Baltimore, MD) - Director of Research and Development at Community Mediation (conflict mediation)
Lewchuk, Ken (Houston, TX) - Manager of Compliance and Ethics, Cheniere Energy
Liebman, Andy (Allston, MA) - Chief Strategy Officer at EditShare (cloud editing platform)
Loht, Shawn (New Orleans, LA) - Director for Institutional Data Analytics and Reporting at Baton Rouge Community College
Loughrist, Tim (Lincoln, NE) - Real estate investor & Assistant Program Coordinator, William H. Thompson Scholars Learning Community at UNL
Lowery, Alyssa (Santa Barbara, CA) - Learning Content Producer, Madecraft (video learning)
Lu, David (Portland, OR) - Senior ML Threat Operations Specialist at HiddenLayer (AI/ML cybersecurity)
Manis, Eleni (NYC) - Researcher, Mike Bloomberg 2020 & Phil Skills (interviews with non-academic philosophers)
Mantegani, Nicholas (Cedar Park, TX) - Senior Ontologist at Cycorp
Maritz, Cara (Sydney, Australia) - Junior Researcher at Atlassian (computer software)
Martin-Colby, Aaron (Providence, RI) - Senior Software Engineer at GE Digital (division of General Electric)
McBee, Joshua (Washington, DC) - Policy Associate at Climate Advisers (public policy)
McKinney, Tucker (Hillsborough, NC) - Full Stack Developer at Daysmart Software
Meek, Chris (Seattle, WA) - Principal Researcher at Microsoft
Meyers, Christopher (Bakersfield, CA) - Hospital Ethicist (part-time) for Kern Medical and Adventist Health Bakersfield
Meyvis, Nate (Boston, MA) - Software Engineer at Verily Life Sciences
Morton, Nate (Austin, TX) - Ontologist at Telepathy Labs
Niles, Ian (Bellevue, WA) - Principal Ontologist, Microsoft
Obrecht, Alice (London, UK) - Senior Research Fellow, ALNAP (international affairs)
Ochangco, Dani (Sydney, Australia) - Program Manager, ServiceNow (computer software)
Ontiveros, Caleb (San Francisco, CA) - Software Engineer at Chime and Founder of Stoa
Overton, James (Ontario, Canada) - Founder, Knocean (consulting for science informatics)
Patterson, Steve (Detroit, MI) - General Manager at Noodle Partners (Online teaching & learning resources)
Persichetti, Alessio (Pavia, Italy) - Technical Writer at Vesenda (software startup)
Pferdehirt, Ryan (Kansas City, MO) - Director of Membership and Ethics Education, Center for Practical Bioethics (health-care non-profit)
Plug, Allen (Austin, TX) - Ontologist at Cycorp
Prattico, Emilie (Paris, France) - Visiting Researcher at Institute for Futures Studies (sustainability)
Polak, Michal (Slovak Republic) - Senior Advisor at the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic
Pons, Anna (Denver, CO) - Student Success Advisor, Guild Education (education management)
Potter, Jordan (Atlanta, GA) - Clinical Ethicist and Fellowship Supervisor at Wellstar Health System
Puglisi, Diana (Austin, TX) - Ontologist and Project Manager at Cycorp
Quattrone, Dan (Austin, TX) - Ontologist at Cycorp
Reitemeier, Paul (Royal Oak, MI) - Former Corporate Director of Clinical Ethics at Beaumont Health
Richards, Christopher (NYC) - Python engineer, Zipari (consumer experience technology)
Rosenberg, Gregg (Washington, DC) - Managing Partner at The Lucky Bidwell Group (financial advising)
Rousse, B. Scot (Oakland, CA) - Director of Research at Pluralistic Networks (team-building & training)
Rowthorn, David (Cambridge, UK) - Software Engineer at Cambridge Nutraceuticals (nutritional supplements)
Roxborough, Craig (Ontario, Canada) - Manager, Policy Department at The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
Sayers, Bjorn (Morrisville, PA) - Senior Software Engineer, Remesh (A.I.)
Schukraft, Jason - Senior Research Manager, Rethink Priorities (think tank)
Schweitzer, Katharine (Reno, NV) - IT Project Manager, Renown Health (Agile project management - health care)
Senchaudhuri, Esha (Boston, MA) - Senior Content Manager, Cytel (pharmaceuticals)
Shanton, Karen (Washington, DC) - Analyst in American National Government at Congressional Research Service (government)
Shebaya, Sirine (Washington, DC) - Private attorney and Executive Director, National Immigration Project (advocacy)
Shepard, Blake (Austin, TX) - Senior Ontologist and Technical Project Manager at Cycorp
Silver, Lizzie (Melbourne, Australia) - Data Scientist at Silverpond (machine learning / AI)
Siyar, Jamsheed (NYC) - IT Project Manager at Sony Music
Smith, Nate (Washington, DC) - Director, Cloud Engineering at Upside Business Travel
Sousa, Joana Rita (Lisbon, Portugal) - Freelance digital strategist, copywriter & ghostwriter -
Specht, Andy (Arroyo Grande, CA) - Director, Information Technology Services at Allan Hancock College
Spitzer, Elena (San Francisco, CA) - Program Lead at Partnership on A.I. (AI consulting and education)
Stachniewicz, Alexander Mike (Vienna, Austria) - Owner & Founder, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (science and knowledge consulting/management)
Steed, Sheldon (London, UK) - Founder, Mumo (health data) and Director, E1E (health technology)
Steiner, Mike (Calgary, Canada) - Principal, Project Strategy at TransCanada (oil and gas industry)
Stewart, Coran (Lexington, KY) - HR Business Partner at R. J. Corman Railroad Group, LLC
Stout, Nathan (New Orleans, LA) - Medical Ethicist at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Stoutenberg, Greg (York, PA) - Product-Led Growth ManagerProduct-Led Growth Manager FlowFuse
Subramanyam, Jitendra (Arlington, VA) - VP of Data & Analytics, Gartner (information services)
Swan, Liz (Longmont, CO) - Real estate broker & Psychology Today contributor - also Lecturer at UCBoulder.
Tabris, Nat (Denver, CO) - Cloud Infrastructure Engineer at Coiled (data science).
Towl, Brandon (St. Louis, MO) - Founder & Chief Writer, Words Have Impact (writing/editing service)
Uckelman, Joel (Durham, UK) - Owner, Lightbox Technologies (computer & network security)
van Harten, Alice (Amsterdam, Netherlands) - Founding partner, Menlo Coaching (MBA admissions consulting)
van Sijl, Claartje (Netherlands) - Academic training & coaching
Wellen, Sarah (Boston, MA) - Project Manager, PathAI (artificial intelligence & health disagnoses)
Wells, William Casey (Los Angeles, CA) - CEO and Founder at Milestone Partners (private equity fund/real estate) - transitioning
Wilkins, Shane (Fort Worth, TX) - Management Analyst, USDA
Woodard, Jared (NYC) - Head of the Research Investment Committee at Bank of America
Wüthrich, Nicolas (Zürich, Switzerland) - Strategy Consultant, Roland Berger (corporate consultancy)
Wykstra, Stephanie (NYC) - Independent consultant
Yasgur, Stuart (Washington DC) - Leadership Group Member at Ashoka (social entrepreneurship)
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